Finding Joy in the Journey

The Joy of Friends

“A friend indeed is a friend in need,” Canadian, Candace Osmond, author, editor, and prolific writer—wrote that this old adage has been around for centuries; (It) can be found in the writings of the Greek philosopher Ennius in the 3rd century BC.  In essence it means that the friend who helps you when you at your time of great need, (Or when no one else will help you). Scientific studies indicate that a person can have only about five friends like that. (Emphasis added.) Giving some thought to her ratio gave me pause. What is my ratio of friends?

My first acquaintance who met the definition of a “Friend,” was Carl—in high school; the “need” that stands out was that I needed to take the driving test for my drivers License. I did not have access to a car. Carl let me take the driving test in his own car. We served in the Army National Guard together, and over the years our families spent time together. We remained friends till his death a few years ago.

Jessie was another “friend in need…” In college I was struggling with English Composition 201. Jessie, a Navy Veteran, and fellow classmate, took me into his friendship, his home (and delicious meals June cooked for us), and “held my feet to the fire!” studying together! It laid the foundation for all the papers I had to write in graduate school, and in my becoming an author.

Jim, my college roommate, was a very smart man and a fun guy. (he, too was a Navy Veteran). Our circles of pals sometimes intersected, but Jim was always there when I needed him. Jim sometimes went with me to the youth group I led back then—and entertained them—especially noteworthy were his Elvis impersonations. I still get happy comments on fond, memories from members of that group. I officiated at Jim’s wedding, and years later, his funeral.

Jerry and I roomed together at Emory while working on our graduate degrees. He was cheerful, thorough in his schoolwork, and a joy to be with. We never experienced discord; Jerry was honest (and a real diplomat), and helped me mend some of my remaining poor study habits. He was an encourager—and later in life led me into some valuable career directions. He seemed more like the brother I never had, than a friend. Jerry died much too soon.

Orvin saved my bacon when I was leading a financial campaign in my first pastorate; the chairman of that enterprise quit just one week before launch day. Although Orvin said he wasn’t sure he was up to it, I didn’t have to beg. He saw my need and stepped up to the task magnificently. Because of his loving care, tenacious labor, and organizational skills, he led the financial campaign over the top! Of those former friends, Orvin is the one who is still alive, I know I could call on him right now and he would be here for me pronto! True friendship goes both ways.

That was then. Now in retirement, I still curate a circle of friends. There are about half dozen—-any one of whom I could call in the middle of the night and say—” I need…” any one would get out of bed and come to my aid (well—I can think of one of them would drowsily say, “I’ll call Uber for you…”( uhhh you know who you are 😉 . I am indeed richly blessed!

I think of a dear friend that Jesus had—Lazarus. Lazarus had a dramatic need—he was desperately ill. Jesus got the message, and traveled something like seventeen miles from across the Jordan to Lazarus’ home in Bethany. Before Jesus arrived at Lasrus’ home, he was told that Lazarus had died; the Gospel of John reports that “Jesus cried.” I know how he felt. I, too, have cried over the death of a friend or a dear one. It shows the depth of love in the friendship.

True friendship runs deep. Do you remember the song that Toy Story made famous–“You’ve Got a Friend in Me!”?! And as the years go by, Our friendship will never die, You’re gonna see it’s our destiny, You’ve got a friend in me… A perfect description of a friend in need, being a Friend indeed!.

©Copyright Willis H. Moore 2023


  1. Toni


    We both treasure our Jerry friendships!
    So thankful our lives crossed paths! To this day, I find myself giggling about something he said or did! Also remember those quiet moments when he shared his deep love for Christ & our wonderful UMC!

    True Friends are Blessing!

  2. Ann Bailey

    You are a wonderful friend

  3. Elaine Robinson

    Willis, I consider you a true friend. I am so thankful for you.
    I look forward to your great articles every Friday.

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