Finding Joy in the Journey

“Ice Cream for Breakfast Day”

Not a National Holiday yet—maybe never will be, but February 7, virtually world-wide, is “Ice Cream for Breakfast Day.” Whew! you found out just in time to plan your breakfast celebration. Some sixty years ago, as the story goes, February 7 in Rochester, New York , was a cold, snowy day. The children of Florence Rappaport understandably, had—well, “cabin fever!” Desperately trying to think of an activity, that would entertain them, she said—kind of off the top of her head—“Let’s have Ice Cream for Breakfast.” It was a hit! The next year on February 7, according to the story, Florence Rappaport’s children insisted on celebrating “Ice Cream for Breakfast Day.”

Apparently, through her children, it spread to become celebrated globally. Growing up, as they dispersed around the globe they continued celebrating the Day; their enthusiasm for the day caught on widely. The Day is celebrated typically in Ice cream shops. A variety of charitable fundraising events are held on “Ice Cream For Breakfast Day!”

Florence Rappaport and her children never had any idea that her desperate search for relief that bitter cold day would erupt into such glowing celebrations. What a wonderfully creative way Mrs. Rappoport lucked upon, to entertain her children. Now the idea blesses multitudes; I am sure it not only saved her tears and distress at the time, but also spreads untold joy to many for years to come.

It is immensely important to mix joy and fun into daily life. And, of course The Bible affirms “a merry heart!” As scores of parents have learned in this Pandemic, Television cannot bring the fundamental joy and fun necessary to round out family or social enrichment. The germ of spontaneity is as necessary as are variety and depth. The media, so far have not spawned very much of that.

An excellent, creative idea does not necessarily need to “go viral,” as is fairly popular on Social Media. It can serve effectively and well for the moment. Not long ago I experienced such a moment. I injured my finger at the gym and couldn’t stop the blood flow. It was closing time and the receptionist did not have the necessary supplies in the First Aid kit. So she improvised; I was able to wear the ad hoc patch she created till the next day when I could get proper care. (My finger healed nicely!) Care and spontaneity make up that “little bit of sugar that (makes) the medicine go down.”

I think of another “on-the-spot” fix that brought joy to a mother and her friends at an important time. In Cana of Galilee, an impressive wedding was taking place. Jesus, his family, and his friends were there. When his mother discovered the wine had run out, she came to Jesus, and said “They have no more wine.” He fixed that problem. It saved face for his friend the host, and brought cheer to the whole gathering.

As is always true, change came; Ice Cream For Breakfast Day, seems to have become settled for the First Saturday in February! That’s tomorrow. Be joyfully creative. Celebrate! Tell your family, “We’re having Ice Cream for Breakfast come Monday!” Let me know how that turns out, dear Reader. You and I both will be surprised—one way or another.


  1. Ann

    Enjoy your ice cream

    • willishmoore

      Love it!

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