Finding Joy in the Journey


Recent winter storms raised the issue of being equipped—on many levels. Snow on travel routes, flood damage to communities, mudslides of all kinds, being dressed for the weather, myriad reasons for being equipped. It matters much to anticipate, plan, prepare, and pack needs for what is, or may be next. I remember fondly, the careful, even meticulous details we planned for every adventure, when I was a Boy Scout leader. As the Scout motto says, “Be prepared;” and we were. Those who weren’t learned for next time—the hard way as in missing a meal if no food was badly planned or not. If harm threatened due to the lack of being prepared, Scout leaders were, and did a rescue.

It is important to be equipped for exigencies that come up in life; First Aid kits, basic emergency tools and equipment for your vehicle etc. When I qualified as a Mission Chaplain in the USAF Civil Air Patrol, we kept a “Go Bag.” It was well supplied with everything that could be needed for as much as a two-day deployment. That equipment stayed “ready” to grab and go. Recently I saw a list of essentials from my ‘Go Bag from years ago— (I was amused at one item; “A roll of dimes.” for an emergency call on a pay-phone–you young folks won’t know what that is!).

In 2014 “Snowmageddon” struck. Metro Atlanta was brought to a standstill. Roadways were covered in 2 1/2 inches of snow. Not so bad per se, but underneath solid ice had frozen most roadways. Folks in distant places laughed at us in Atlanta; “What! You can’t handle a couple of inches of snow?!” they sniffed.

In a large measure, Atlanta was not prepared. It is virtually impossible to maintain ready equipment for every kind of disaster; as almost every community discovers at one time or another. But as most learn (some better than others) planning and equipping goes a long way to survive the assaults of nature—which have been since the beginning of time.

As Moses and Aaron were about to lead the Children of Israel out of Egypt’s bondage into “The Promised Land,” careful precise directions were given to them—to equip them for the travel. It would be a long (40 years) and difficult journey. They would need preparation, direction, and courage, and the assurance that God would be with them. And you know the victory of that enterprise. I am reminded of the Astronauts ‘ preparation for a journey into space; details, repeat, details, repeat…

The Apostle Paul taught the church at Ephesus to prepare for for difficulties they may face, by putting on the whole armor of God. He warned that their life would not be easy, but to equip themselves for what ever may come. Paul, also admonished the church to equip themselves for service to God. There are five passages in the New Testament (all of them from Paul) that speak of being equipped for what comes.

We can have our goals. We can have our hopes. We can even have specific plans; any endeavor must be adequately equipped for successful completion. As the Scouts chant at every Scout meeting! “Be Equipped! (actually, they say, “Be Prepared” —kinda the same thing!)

©Copyright Willis H. Moore 2023

1 Comment

  1. Ann

    David and I were in Atlanta ffor that snow storm for Nathan’s inaguration and had to watch it on tv Reading the book of Roman’s again

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