Finding Joy in the Journey

Easter Magnified

(Written Easter Sunday, 2022) Today, in Easter Sunday worship, our pastor gave a prayer request for Tom, one of our long-time members—a leader for many years, is in the hospital—again. As our Pastor was making the announcement, I heard a little voice in back of the sanctuary. I was deeply moved; Thinking about aged Tom, and the little child’s voice, it occurred to me, “Here we have a legacy of the Church nearing the end of his life. In this same service, a voice of the church’s future arising. Tom will not live to see this little one attend youth meetings, summer youth work-teams, attend Camp Glisson, or hear this little one speak of her faith on Youth Sunday. The Church is alive”!

Then as Sylvia Bell reported on plans for the capital funds campaign, I heard little voices out on the church lawn; as Sylvia reported goals to renovate the youth and children’s facilities broadening the reach of the preschool for additional children; again I thought, “Tom will not be around to see these little children experience Vacation Bible Schools, and provide dynamic leadership in the church….the Church is alive.” Those little voices thrilled my heart.

Some years ago, at Lake Junaluska, NC., a big gun preacher was imported from another region to preach; About three sentences into his sermon, down front a baby cried. He stopped his sermon, and started again—his same three opening, memorized, sentences. The baby still cried. He stopped again, and directed the mother to take the baby out—it was pouring rain. A great chill fell over the crowd as that mother stood up and took her baby out through the rain.

What if Samuel Wesley had scolded little John for running up and down the stairs while his father was praying—and had turned little John against the Church? What if Dwight L. Moody ’s father had punished little Dwight severely for disturbing him while he wrote sermons, and turned him against the church?

When Jesus’ followers tried to turn little children away He said, “Bring the children to me!” Today, I am thrilled that these little voices added texture, spice, and delight to our Easter worship service. You can’t plan this stuff! Praise God, in Christ Jesus! He is Risen.!He is Risen Indeed! Copyright 2022 Willis H. Moore

(Note: I learned later that Tom died later that day, Easter Sunday, April 17, 2022; his legacy lives on!)

1 Comment

  1. Carole Bergman


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