The pop song—Both Sides Now —was written by Canadian singer, song writer, Joni Mitchell in1969. She only put it in her album a couple of years later. I suspect she decided to go on and claim it after Judy Collins made it a hit record. But that’s another matter. The ear-worm in my head is “…it’s cloud’s illusions I recall….”—and if I were a gambler, I’d wager that it is not only in yours too, but also in the ears of every “recall” of the tune.

Tunes have a way of hitchhiking in our heads in latent repose only to leap full-blown into present reality So there it lay ensconced quietly in your brain —(until you read this). Now that we have resurrected that delightful oldie, let’s explore a building block it provides;I really believe Joni Mitchell was thinking of actual puffy white clouds, such as we’re beginning to see as summertime approaches.

As a child did you ever lie in the grass, or some level open place and watch the puffy white clouds drift overhead? If so, it is likely that you began to see images formed in the sky; an elephant, a monkey, dog, cat, a tree, maybe even ,,,ice cream castles in the air…It is an active and creative mental exercise of joy and excitement. The sky is your canvas, your mind the palette, and your eyes are the paintbrush.

One warm summer afternoon, when I was about ten years old, I was lying in my grandparents backyard. The sky was Bluebird-blue, puffy white clouds floated above. The gentle breeze lulled me into a daydream. As I followed one fascinating cloud in it’s East-to-West drift, the Windmill came in to view. Only the clouds, sky, and windmill were in my field of view—-the windmill seemed to be falling toward me! I jumped up and ran away, fast! At a safe distance, I turned around and looked up. The windmill was still standing tall and silent as always. With the perspective of the horizon, the trees, and clouds, I could see that only the clouds were moving. Perspective vaporized my panic.

Joni Mitchell sang “.. i’ve looked at clouds from both sides now….It’s cloud’s illusions I recall… Those illusions, that summer day in Deepstep, GA taught me that things are not always as they seem and can be frightening; or, can be joyful. Joy comes from knowing what wherever we are, or whatever may happen to us joy, though hidden, is in the midst of things.

One of my favorite demonstrations of God’s care is recorded in Exodus. The Children of Israeli left their bondage in Egypt to cross the Reed Sea, being led by God. There they would find themselves in harsh wilderness, under the scorching sun by day. God provided a column of cloud, sheltering them as they traveled the wilderness; as it turned out—for forty years–they were shielded from the scorching sun by this faithful column of cloud.

In the book of Hebrews there is a cloud metaphor that resonates significantly with me. The writer reminds the Christian community that they are supported and encouraged by a great Cloud of Witnesses, reminding them that they are not alone as they face difficulties, even suffering. It is a stalwart reminder for all of us; when we face discouragement, or feel lonely we have the great cloud of witnesses…!

©Copyright Willis H. Moore 2023