Finding Joy in the Journey

Better is Possible

 Atul Gawande wrote:

Better is possible. It does not take genius. It takes diligence. It takes moral clarity. It takes ingenuity. And above all, it takes a willingness to try….

...and, I might add, it takes courage. It is not the courage of the mighty warrior, or the one highly trained in battle. It is that moral compass that draws one to the high road. The road of persistence. Paige, my late wife, kept a placard on her desk. It read:

Courage doesn’t always roar. Sometimes courage is the quiet voice at the end of the day, saying, “I will try again tomorrow.”

You and I both know of folks like that; at the end of every day, they go to bed tired, often empty, and/or weary of their circumstances–broken dreams, vocational concerns, dealing with health issues (their own, or those for whom they are caretakers)–yet they rise with the sun to take on the new day. 

As Atul Gawande wrote, “Better is possible,” even though it seems impossible. All it takes to see that truth, is to look around, from the beautiful lily emerging from the messy mud of a pond, to the frail nest of twigs holding an eaglet, to a magnificent cathedral. Impossible?  Looks that way, but my,  what a result!!  The words of the Frankie Lane song ring in my ears; 

I believe for every drop of rain that falls
A flower grows
I believe that somewhere in the darkest night
A candle glows
I believe for everyone that goes astray
Someone will come to show the way

As poetic as it is, there sings a truth that surpasses the senses or intellect. What we often call the “real world” often cries in protest that better is not possible, saying “We’re going to Hell in a Handbasket!”  An old political quote, that is funnier than it was helpful back then complained of the “Nattering Nabobs of Negativism.” We do, of course, often face the naysayers. But more from Frankie Lane, lifts our spirits:

Every time I hear a newborn baby cry
Or touch a leaf
Or see the sky
Then I know why
I believe 

Although the words stop short of saying “…in God.” it is implicit. Of course many of us—I would hope—all of us know that belief in God does make “Better Possible.” Not long ago, Mayor Bottoms of Atlanta told the crowd, in the face of some horrors, “We are Better than this!” It was echoed often by other leaders, official and non official. Better is Possible.


  1. Dottie Coltrane

    I am switching to gmail, so the auto fill address is different. I look forward to reading your “encouraging words” every Friday. Thank you, Willis! I treasure our friendship.

  2. Penny Harrell

    Well said.

  3. Barbara Nell Abercrombie

    Always look forward to your Friday writings.

    • willishmoore

      Hey, I’m glad you want to continue following! Bless you!

  4. Lary Hyde

    Very ell written! Larry Hyde

  5. Barbara Hills

    I love reading your posts —- thank you for taking the time to share with us.

  6. Carole

    Thanks, Willis! Haven’t read it yet, but wanted to let you know that it opens fine on the laptop!

  7. Laurie and Carl Quist

    Always love hearing from you Willis 🙂

  8. Barbara Harrison

    Thank you , Willis. Courage is hard to come by somedays!

  9. Elaine Robinson

    I love reading your post my friend

  10. Lowell

    As usual, Willis spot on.

  11. Bonnie B. Silsby

    I’m looking forward to reading more!

    • willishmoore

      Thank you, Bonnnie. I gotta meet Art and threaten him if he’s not good go my goddaughter!!! ;-))

  12. Ann Bailey

    Hope I have checked everything I need to.

    • willishmoore

      Let me know next Friday if you DON’T receive an Email with the link. We’ll get it going.

  13. Samille Basler

    So much has been happening. Thank you for your friendship. Glad you have continued to write.

  14. Cecelia Fordham

    I look forward to your Friday’s post. I think of you often. I know how it is to lose your sole mate. Love you Willis

    • willishmoore

      Thank you Cecilia!! It means a lot.

  15. Toni Jernigan

    Thank You, Willis, ……Much needed words!

    I especially like the reference to what is possible tomorrow!

    Grace & Peace!

  16. Mary Lou Benning

    Love reading your Friday’s With Willis. Sermon on the iPad! 😊

  17. Sandra Rabitsch

    Thanks so much for everything that you have said here, Willis! We all need to be reminded that “better is possible”—especially today, when we are bombarded with negativity.

  18. Riley Deichert

    Thanks, Willis.

  19. Mary Lou Drury

    I look forward each week to your words of encouragement. It is wonderful to hear from our friend and pastor of a few years back !

    • willishmoore

      Thank you Mary Lou,
      It is good to have friends like you!!!

  20. Beth B H

    Hi Willis!
    Thank you for your posts

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