Finding Joy in the Journey


I am as astonished as thrilled that last week when a pilot had a medical emergency, a “passenger” was able to land the 6-seater Cessna 208 single engine aircraft–it was spontaneous teamwork with the non-pilot passenger, an Air Traffic Controller, and a Flight Instructor. All three–acted with rapt attention, cool-headed planning and guidance for this success. It was a near-perfect landing and there was no casualty! None. Zero. Zilch!

In an interview later on the Today Show, the non-pilot-guy, told the story of how he felt managing this crisis; the word “miracle” came up several times in the interview. Not to take away from his story, but equally incredible is how two Air Traffic Controllers were able to “teach” flight training and guidance on the fly; This to a person with no knowledge of or experience in an airplane. And. They could only see a radar screen position of the plane. They even quickly made a printout of the control panel of that specific airplane; that way they could tell him what and where to look, push, pull or hold. A WOW moment came when he needed to land at a higher than normal speed with—for a few seconds radio silence and “no flaps” at—130 knots—you pilots probably had a jaw dropping moment at that command.

The non-pilot made statement that stands out for me; “I knew there was no other choice but I had to land this airplane.” Miracles were mentioned. But also there was knowledge, helpers, confidence (often called courage), trust, and sheer determination. I do not diminish the miraculous synchronous knowledge and efforts that brought about that safe landing.

In a sense we all are airborne. Without chasing the metaphor too far, think about it. Somewhat like the unlikely pilot, we all cruise along day-to-day. We have a general idea of how life is going, with little insight into how to navigate it. Most of the time we do fairly well. Then there explodes a —a health, financial, family, neighborhood, or wider— crisis; somehow, miraculously, usually we survive. Sometimes we may seem to have the spotlight of the hero, or paragon of the circumstances.

In a measure, such an accolade may appropriate. However, in truth, no one stands alone. As  Sir Isaac Newton, said, we all stand “…on the shoulders of (others),” and are surrounded by a community of strength. To be sure, we do not live in an iconic community of perfection, but we cannot discount our connectedness.

The words of We Are The World written by Michael Jackson and Lionel Richie…are appropriate here….There comes a time
When we heed a certain call
When the world must come together as one
There are people dying
Oh, and it’s time to lend a hand to life
The greatest gift of a

The writer of the Book of Hebrews pointed out we are surrounded by a great Cloud of Witnesses. We reminder that whatever we do or wherever we are we are not alone. Harking back to that non-pilot and the miraculous landing, even he, being interviewed, acknowledged that he did not do so alone. In the movie Carosel there’s the song, “You’ll Never Walk Alone.” It is a reminder that in times of difficulty, hope is strong:

Walk on through the wind. Walk on through the rain
Though your dreams be tossed and blown Walk on, walk on
With hope in your heart, And you’ll never walk alone
. .

©Copyright Willis H. Moore 2022


  1. Lowery M Brantley

    Willis, I read your posts reguarly, but this one, I must say, is the best one yet! Very perceptive, very true. Hope you are doing well.

    • willishmoore

      Thank you, Lowery! I appreciate your comment, especially from you. I always respect your opinion and wisdom. Full disclosure, I was less than confident of this one—even editing it up till I pressed the “Publish” button. So, thank you for your affirmation.

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